Connor’s Potato Lasagna!

My son recently decided he wanted to be a “Vlogger” it came as a bit of a surprise for us because he doesn’t enjoy attention or the spotlight very much. Well he started a couple weeks ago and while he’s a bit behind on everything he wants to do (because its A LOT) He uploaded a video of a recipe he made today.

He often comes to me and says “What if we do this, and make it like this” and I often take him to the store and let him get everything he thinks he needs and go to town. With the exception of teaching him a little technique along the way, he does every bit of it himself. Sometimes, I think he’s better than me! You may remember his Stuffed Chicken Parmesan? Well this “Potato Lasagna” AKA “PBC (Potato Bacon and Cheese) is one of his latest creations. He wanted to make it a Vlog, so here it is! Hope you enjoy it, because Im here to tell you it was DELICIOUS!

As Connor would say “If you like this video, like, subscribe and share it with your friends!” 🙂