Got wood?

ok first, before I really get into this post, forgive my typo’s, mis spellings etc. My computer is at Apple, and this old thing I’m on is awful and hard to deal with!

I have been asking my husband since we moved into this house 3 years ago now to build a planter for me, so that its eye level easy to reach, easy to grow, easy to pick. For 3 years he has tried to do just the opposite of what I asked and plant things in the ground. He was determined to have this beautiful little garden on the side of our pool deck, but everything kept dieing. Mind you niether of us have a green thumb, but we are desprate to grow! Needless to say after much begging and him finally being inspired, he gave in and built BEAUTIFUL planters!!
Now we can be a bit self sufficiant in this world of pesticides, and perservatives, and you know.. in case of a zombie attack.

Got wood?
We ordered coconut cloth online for the bottom of the planter.
In the first planter are Herbs, The second one he built are various heirloom tomatoes and peppers.
2 Weeks after planting the herbs.

We ordered our pepper and tomato seeds from Pepper Joe’s

We got what we could of our herbs from local organic growers.

Now I’m looking forward to showing you guys the first recipe’s I create from this amazing garden (providing we manage to keep everything alive long enough) Our parsley has already gone to seed and we re-planted some, and we are looking forward to this learning process and growing more food than we buy!! Here’s hoping!